Constructing Contemporary Dance


In het Nederlands

A colloquium curated by Aisthesis, Research centre for the study of language and body, University of Antwerp

Saturday Octobre 9, 2004, Monty, Antwerp.


What is contemporary dance? Intuitively, we know what the term stands for, but the meaning of 'contemporary dance' extends far beyond a description of what is going on in dance today. A well-defined group of productions is continually labeled as 'contemporary' by critics, academics, producers, and others. In doing so those performances become 'contemporary'. The performative construction of such terms as 'contemporary dance' is the subject of this colloquium. We want to investigate what different purposes they serve, ranging from barometer to discriminating norm. The keynote speakers approached the subject in three different ways. Rudi Laermans (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium) explored how the term is used from a sociological point of view. Ramsay Burt (De Montfort University, Leicester, UK) drew a historical comparison with the equally performative terms 'modern dance' and 'postmodern dance'. Finally, Pieter T'Jonck treated the problem with a critical background and linked it to the use of terms like 'conceptual art' and 'performance art' in the context of visual arts. After each lecture, the speaker engaged in debate with choreographers, critics, and producers.

The conference was Chaired By Luk Van den Dries and Katleen Van Langendonck



Lecture Rudi Laermans (34 min) Text: Rudi Laermans' text will be published in a forthcoming issue of Performance Research, and could not be made available at Sarma. He unfolded a similar argument (which served as inspiration for the whole colloquium) in the text Hedendaagse dans, wat is dat?

Panel discussion with Rudi Laermans, Koen Kwanten (artistic director Dans in Kortrijk), Elke Van Campenhout (dance critic) and Etienne Guilloteau (choreographer) (57 min) Note: Questions from the audience came from Myriam Van Imschoot, Bojana Cvejic, Ischa Tallieu, Justin Garrick and Thomas Hauert.

Lecture Ramsay Burt (38 min) Undoing postmodern dance history

Panel discussion with Ramsay Burt, Myriam Van Imschoot (dance dramaturg), Pieter T'Jonck (dance critic) and Alexander Baervoets (choreographer) (48 min) Note: The first part of Myriam Van Imschoots reply was not recorded. The statement began with "...". Questions from the audience came from Bojana Cvejic, Jean-Luc Ducourt and Andros Zins-Browne.

Lecture Pieter T'Jonck ( 28 min) Text in English The interchangeability of dance and visual art after Duchamp Tekst in het Nederlands: De inwisselbaarheid van dans en beeldende kunst na Duchamp

Panel discussion with Pieter T'Jonck, Ischa Tallieu (art gallerist Gallery Fortlaan 17, Ghent), Christina Pizzo (member of Kinkaleri art and performance group) and Alexis Destoop (video artist) (46 min) Note: questions from the audience came from Ramsay Burt, Rudi Laermans, Eleanor Bauer and Justin Garrick.

Results 1-20 of 46, page 1 of 3

Author Title Publication Year
Rudi Laermans Hedendaagse dans, wat is dat? Etcetera 2004
Rudi Laermans, Carine Meulders Het lichaam is de voorstelling Etcetera 2004
Pieter T'Jonck Klapstuk ’99: over intuïtie en concept Etcetera 1999
Guy Cools Klapstuk ’99: een ‘vrouwelijk’ festival? Etcetera 1999
Jeroen Peeters Stoom op de ketel Financieel-Economische Tijd 1999
Jeroen Peeters Fantomen van de danskritiek TM 2003
Jeroen Peeters Fantomen van de Nederlandse danskritiek – the sequel TM 2003
Jeroen Peeters Een onmogelijke pas de deux Boekman 2003
Jeroen Peeters ‘De conceptuelen? Ik wil er niet over praten!’ De Morgen 2004
Guy Cools, Jeroen Peeters Een pleidooi voor (terug) meer beweging in het kritisch kijken naar en denken over dans Sarma 2004
Jeroen Peeters Histoires et rituels de gaspillage De Morgen 2003
Jeroen Peeters Mama, waarom praten wij? De Morgen 2004
Jeroen Peeters De danspassen van een nieuwe generatie De Morgen 2004
Jeroen Peeters ‘Wie wil kijken, kan volgen’ De Morgen 2004
Jeroen Peeters Een pleidooi voor stilstand De Morgen 2004
Jeroen Peeters Is er dans na de apocalyps? Financieel-Economische Tijd 1999
Jeroen Peeters Een huiselijke omgang met de wereld De Morgen 2003
Jeroen Peeters Verhalen en verspillingsrituelen De Morgen 2003
Jeroen Peeters Stuifmeel voor de toeschouwer De Morgen 2003
Ingrid Van Frankenhuyzen Alles duurt te lang op Springdance NRC Handelsblad 2003

Results 1-20 of 46, page 1 of 3