Anthology Embodied Dramaturgies


Once a clear function, dramaturgy translates itself today in a variety of practices and discourses. Dramaturgy ties itself to materials and media, bodies and space, providing a shared ground for exploration, collaboration and the production of meaning within creative processes. These “embodied dramaturgies” are discussed in a text collection that focuses on accounts and reflections grounded in a variety of dramaturgical practices. Not the academic or historical survey is what informs these texts, but the experience and convictions of dramaturges and artists.

The anthology brings together about 30 texts written over the past two decades and thus provides an insight in the scope and development of dramaturgical practices in the field of dance, performance and experimental theatre. It republishes a selection of essays from thematic journals on dramaturgy (Theaterschrift in 1993, Women and Performance in 2003, Performance Research in 2009, Maska in 2010), revisits debates around the function of dramaturgy, and also convenes dispersed essays by dramaturges such as Marianne Van Kerkhoven, André Lepecki, Myriam Van Imschoot, Jeroen Peeters, Igor Dobricic or Sandra Noeth, and by artists with a particular interest in dramaturgy, such as Boris Charmatz, Tim Etchells, Janez Jansa, Jennifer Lacey or Frans Poelstra & Robert Steijn.

Note: Due to a disagreement over copyrights, Sarma had to take down the essays published in Women&Performance. Though their metadata are still visible, the texts themselves are not made public.

Editor: Jeroen Peeters
Editorial assistance: Joke Heylen
Realised in January 2012 with the financial support of WorkSpaceBrussels and Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie.

Results 1-20 of 37, page 1 of 2

Author Title Publication Year
Robbert van Heuven ‘Dramaturgie is de bezielde structuur van de voorstelling’ 2005
Jeroen Peeters Heterogeneous Dramaturgies Maska 2010
Bojana Cvejic Dramaturgie: een vriendschap van problemen Etcetera 2010
Bojana Cvejic The Ignorant Dramaturg Maska 2010
Boris Charmatz, Isabelle Launay Dramaturgy Undertraining 2011
Boris Charmatz, Isabelle Launay Et "la" danse? Entretenir 2002
Boris Charmatz, Isabelle Launay Dramaturgie Entretenir 2002
Boris Charmatz, Isabelle Launay And what about ‘dance’? Undertraining 2011
Petra Kuppers Landscaping: Spacings Women and Performance 2003
Marianne Van Kerkhoven De dramaturg als roerganger Etcetera 1999
Marianne Van Kerkhoven Van de kleine en de grote dramaturgie Etcetera 1999
Marianne Van Kerkhoven Van de kleine en de grote dramaturgie Etcetera 1999
Hildegard De Vuyst Een Dramaturgie van het gebrek Etcetera 1999
Jeroen Peeters Heterogeneous dramaturgies Choreography: autonomies 2019
Jeroen Peeters Hoeveel classicisme hebben we vandaag nog nodig? Etcetera 2013
Marianne Van Kerkhoven Wenn ich stillstehe verstehe ich nichts Wenn ich stillstehe verstehe ich nichts 1989
Jeroen Peeters Animal Dramaturgies Sarma 2013
Bart Meuleman Bericht aan de dramaturg: opkrassen! De Witte Raaf 1998
Virginie Bobin Confronter les contemporanéités correctes Le journal des laboratoires 2010
Scott deLahunta Dance Dramaturgy: speculations and reflections Dance Theatre Journal 2000

Results 1-20 of 37, page 1 of 2