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Results 1-10 of 10, page 1 of 1

Author Title Publication Year
Jeroen Peeters Places of allowance: untwining mind and body in writing, gestures and speech Sarma 2002
Jeroen Peeters Perhaps he could write first and think afterwards?, 2002
Jeroen Peeters On the edge, over the hedge, 2002
Helmut Ploebst Die Kunst des Wissens Der Standard 2002
Helmut Ploebst Die Tänzerin als Femme de Lettres. SIM Festivals 2002
Pieter T'Jonck Een rustplek voor de dans Financieel-Economische Tijd 2002
Vera Mantero Olympia Programme note 1993
Vera Mantero One mysterious thing, said e.e. cummings Programme note 1996
Vera Mantero Perhaps she could dance first and think afterwards Programme note 1991
Vera Mantero Thought, poetry and the body in action Programme note 2001

Results 1-10 of 10, page 1 of 1