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Results 1-20 of 35, page 1 of 2

Author Title Publication Year
Franz Anton Cramer Dance Criticism: Negotiating Knowledge, Taste, and Power Sarma 2003
Alexander Baervoets, Natasha Hassiotis Unfolding the critical: Conversation between Natasha Hassiotis and Alexander Baervoets Sarma 2003
Fransien van der Putt Dance criticism on the move! 2003
Tang Fu Kuen, Arco Renz Unfolding the Critical: Conversation between Tang Fu Kuen and Arco Renz Sarma 2003
Hooman Sharifi, Marit Strømmen Unfolding the critical: conversation between Marit Strommen and Hooman Sharifi Sarma 2003
Deborah Jowitt Poetics Deborah Jowitt Sarma 2003
Pieter T'Jonck Art and criticism: Siamese twins Sarma 2003
Erwin Jans Intoxications of the Critical Sarma 2003
Edith Boxberger The art of gaining sense Sarma 2003
Thierry De Duve Critical Reflections: In bed with Madonna Sarma 2003
Eric de Kuyper Eric gaat naar Sarma Sarma 2003
Franz Anton Cramer Dear Sir 2003
Helmut Ploebst, Barbara Van Lindt Unfolding the critical: conversation between Helmut Ploebst and Barbara Van Lindt Sarma 2003
Natasha Hassiotis My Private Manifesto. On my code and practice of writing dance criticism Sarma 2003
Tang Fu Kuen Poetics Tang Fu Kuen Sarma 2003
Isabella Lanz Fantomen van de Nederlandse danskritiek TM 2003
Gabriel Smeets Dance and discourse TM 2003
Jeroen Peeters Notes on the if-mode of the collective spectator Collect-if by Collect-if 2003
Marcelle Schots Wat willen Emio en PC? TM 2003
Marianne Van Kerkhoven Focus Xavier Le Roy (Eng.) Kaaitheater bulletin 2003

Results 1-20 of 35, page 1 of 2