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Results 1-20 of 86, page 1 of 5

Author Title Publication Year
Thierry De Duve Critical Reflections: In bed with Madonna Sarma 2003
Helmut Ploebst, Barbara Van Lindt Unfolding the critical: conversation between Helmut Ploebst and Barbara Van Lindt Sarma 2003
Helmut Ploebst Writing about dance performance Sarma 2001
Pirkko Husemann Dance criticism in Berlin Sarma 2004
Doa Aly No Time For Art 2011
Kobe Matthys Doe iets aan discriminatie van kunstenaars, minister De Coninck De Wereld Morgen 2013
Sabina Holzer Burning out so quickly Corpus 2008
Marianne Van Kerkhoven A wanderer and a fugitive shalt thou be on the earth Kaaitheater bulletin 2010
Agnes Benoit-Nader, Lisa Nelson Conversation with Lisa Nelson Nouvelles De Danse 1997
Martin Nachbar This lecture doesn't have a title. The subtitle is: Sarma 2001
Alexander Baervoets Some reflections on time Sarma 1999
Mette Ingvartsen Experimental Practices 6 Months 1 Location 2009
Natasha Hassiotis Pageantry and illusions for my audience Avgi newspaper 1998
State of the Arts Herzie de wetsvoorstellen betreffende de sociale zekerheid voor kunstenaars! Petition 2013
Gerald Siegmund Some personal reflections on my criticism which I am reluctant to call my 'Poetics' Sarma 2002
Lars Kwakkenbos, Martin Nachbar, Jeroen Peeters The art of housekeeping Sarma 2010
André Lepecki, et al. Theaterschrift Extra. Intensification: Contemporary Portuguese Performance Theaterschrift 1998
Sabina Holzer Constructing undefined or nonclassifiable spaces Corpus 2008
Katja Praznik The hegemony of heterogeneity or the personal as apolitical Maska 2004
Lisa Nelson Composition, Communication, and the Sense of Imagination Ballettanz 2006

Results 1-20 of 86, page 1 of 5