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Results 1-9 of 9, page 1 of 1

Author Title Publication Year
Boris Charmatz, Isabelle Launay Dramaturgy Undertraining 2011
Martin Nachbar, Jeroen Peeters Re: patterns, memory, thought Formen künstlerischer Zusammenarbeit 2010
Boris Charmatz, Isabelle Launay And what about ‘dance’? Undertraining 2011
Boris Charmatz, Isabelle Launay Dramaturgie Entretenir 2002
Jeroen Peeters Take a walk on the wild side, and talk Corpus 2008
Tom Engels Between Solitaire and a Basketball Game. Dramaturgical Strategies in the Work of Antonia Baehr Bastard or Playmate? 2012
Martin Nachbar Doe mij na Etcetera 2008
Boris Charmatz, Isabelle Launay Et "la" danse? Entretenir 2002
Jeroen Peeters Where is dance now and where will it go? Corpus 2011

Results 1-9 of 9, page 1 of 1