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Results 1-10 of 10, page 1 of 1

Author Title Publication Year
Vera Mantero One mysterious thing, said e.e. cummings Programme note 1996
Jeroen Peeters Eloquent sprakeloos Etcetera 2003
Jeroen Peeters Eloquently speechless 3T. Tidsskrift for teori og teater 2004
Jeroen Peeters Materials, dialogues and observations on proximity, walking about Connexive #1: Vera Mantero Sarma 2004
Jeroen Peeters Omzwervingen van een dansende filosofe De Morgen 2004
André Lepecki Moving Without the Colonial Mirror: Modernity, Dance, and Nation in the Worksof Vera Mantero and Francisco Camacho (1985-97) - Chapter 2 Sarma 2004
André Lepecki, et al. Theaterschrift Extra. Intensification: Contemporary Portuguese Performance Theaterschrift 1998
Vera Mantero Olympia Programme note 1993
Vera Mantero Perhaps she could dance first and think afterwards Programme note 1991
Vera Mantero Thought, poetry and the body in action Programme note 2001

Results 1-10 of 10, page 1 of 1