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Results 1-12 of 12, page 1 of 1

Author Title Publication Year
Jeroen Peeters Tussen voetbal en theater Sarma 2003
Michael Helland, Chrysa Parkinson Curating Your Moves Sarma 2014
Tang Fu Kuen Poetics Tang Fu Kuen Sarma 2003
Gerald Siegmund Some personal reflections on my criticism which I am reluctant to call my 'Poetics' Sarma 2002
Philipp Gehmacher On Through the Back: Situating Vision between Moving Bodies by Jeroen Peeters Sarma 2014
Antonia Baehr Facing For Faces Sarma 2011
Helmut Ploebst, Barbara Van Lindt Unfolding the critical: conversation between Helmut Ploebst and Barbara Van Lindt Sarma 2003
Jeroen Peeters I am not a zombie Sarma 2014
Pieter T'Jonck Klapstuk #11 bis: introduction Sarma 2004
Gerald Siegmund Haunting voices and ladies who vanish Sarma 2002
Gabriele Brandstetter Preserving the Performance - Scholarship as Art? Sarma 2005
Jeroen Peeters Materials, dialogues and observations on proximity, walking about Connexive #1: Vera Mantero Sarma 2004

Results 1-12 of 12, page 1 of 1