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Results 1-6 of 6, page 1 of 1

Author Title Publication Year
Bojana Cvejic, Benoît Lachambre, Meg Stuart The duos: conversation between Bojana Cvéjic, Meg Stuart and Benoît Lachambre Sarma 2004
Bojana Cvejic, Daniëlle De Regt, Rudi Laermans De toekomst van het theater Etcetera 2007
Bojana Cvejic How open are you open? Pre-sentiments, pre-conceptions, pro-jections. Sarma 2004
Bojana Cvejic Amperdans: Symptons, strands and potentialities of small-scale work Sarma 2004
Bojana Cvejic The Ignorant Dramaturg Maska 2010
Bojana Cvejic Dramaturgie: een vriendschap van problemen Etcetera 2010

Results 1-6 of 6, page 1 of 1