Research in the past


Call for artists (March 2014)

Hoe willen we in onze maatschappij omgaan met arbeid, verloning en tijdsbesteding? Hoe verhouden bestaande arbeidsmodellen zich tot de huidige artistieke praktijk? Kan de experimentele omgang van kunstenaars met tijd en werk misschien ook een licht werpen op andere vormen van “nuttige werkloosheid” die in onze maatschappij weinig waardering krijgen?

Begin 2014 wordt in België de wetgeving omtrent de sociale zekerheid voor kunstenaars aangepast, maar dat gaat niet zonder slag of stoot. Om het debat te voeden, zet Sarma een reeks publicaties op onder de noemer ‘Call for artists'. Op zoek naar scherpzinnige vragen, een bredere kadering en mogelijke uitwegen, plooien auteurs vragen rond arbeid en artistieke praktijken open.


Salons on new artistic discourses and practices (2011-2013)

How do artists work today? How do they speak about their method? These questions were at the heart of a series of ten salons that took place in Brussels from 2011 through to 2013. Artists and theoreticians were invited to reflect on new practices and languages of making in the field of dance and beyond. Several salons are documented with audio recordings. Guests included: Jonathan Burrows, Noé Soulier, Bojana Bauer, Jeroen Peeters, Shila Anaraki, Ellen Bilterest, Sara Manente, Leslie Mannès, An Mertens, Lilia Mestre, Stefan Prins, Kajsa Sandström, Manon Santkin, Marcos Simoes, Alma Söderberg, Rodrigo Sobarzo, Anna Rispoli, Michiel Vandevelde, Arnaud Halloy, Julien Bruneau and Isabelle Stengers.


Crash Landing Revisited (and more)

An historical and artistic research on improvisation, oral history & sound, catastrophe aesthetics and changing production formats in the nineties.

Crash Landing Revisited (and more) is a research project that Myriam Van Imschoot is leading since 2007 and that operates as an umbrella structure for collaborative artistic research on improvisation, oral history & sound, and catastrophe aesthetics. It was hosted in residences at Kaaitheater (2007-2008) and in 2009 at the Jan Van Eyck Academy. Its name refers back to the central case study in this project, Crash Landing, an improvisation performance series curated by Meg Stuart, Christine De Smedt and David Hernandez between 1996 and 1999.


B-Chronicles (2006)

A socio-critical and artistic research around mobilities and the sense of self in the dance community.

B-Chronicles is a socio-critical and artistic project conducted by Sarma dealing with the impact of the increasing mobilities and international production facilities on the working and living conditions of dance makers and communities. It encompasses a sociological research based on interviews with various participants in the Brussels dance community, a series of international publications in Etcetera, Janus and Sarma, the creation of a community game, lectures, performance and video works.