How do artists work today? How do they speak about their method? How can one make a start with documenting, discussing and sharing the hybrid and heterogeneous practices that underpin the performing arts today? How can the informal and embodied discourses, as well as the implicit knowledge they carry, find a wider recognition and accessibility? A series of monthly salons, organized by Sarma on different locations in Brussels, create a live research environment for makers and researchers to address issues of new artistic practices and discourses. And they provide the dance community with occasions for dialogue and exchange.
Many salons were audiorecorded and are made available on Oral Site
- Salon#1 (2011): A Choreographer’s Handbook, with Jonathan Burrows, Scott deLahunta and Noé Soulier.
- Salon#2 (2011): Salon Time is on your side. With Sarah Vanhee and Agency, and Thematics artists: Marthe Van Dessel, Wendy Van Wynsberghe, Adrian Fisher and Luna Montenegro
- Salon#3 (2011): A month long event around 'Curating as environ-mentalism’. Curated by Adva Zakai (dominokingdom) and Elke van Campenhout. With special guests Kattrin Deufert & Thomas Plischke, Nicolas Galeazzi, Raimundas Malasauskas, Jeroen Peeters.
- Salon#4 (2011): audio salon on congestion. An interview with John Urry in relation to Postcards from the Future by C&H during KunstenFestivaldesArts 2011.
- Salon#5 (2011): Salon Embodied dramaturgies @ Working Title Platform. With guests: Bojana Bauer, Julien Bruneau, Pedro Gomez-Egaña and Jeroen Peeters.
- Salon#6 (2011): Salon: To be continued? @ Bâtard Festival. With guests: Marcos Simoes, Jaime Llopis and Sara Manente from EVE, and Diederik Peeters and Hans Bryssinck from SPIN.
- Salon#7 (2011): Salon: Scores and Constraints @ Working Title Platform, in Brigittine, December 17 2-5pm. With: Jeroen Peeters, Ellen Bilterest, Sara Manente, Leslie Mannès, An Mertens, Lilia Mestre, Stefan Prins, Kajsa Sandström, Manon Santkin, Marcos Simoes.
- Salon #8 (2012): Salon Practising Dilettantism @ Working Title Platform, Kaaistudio's, 16 June, 3-6pm. With Jennifer Lacey, Rodrigo Sobarzo, Alma Söderberg and Jeroen Peeters.
- Salon #9 (2012): Salon Developing Practices Together @ Working Title Platform, Kaaistudio's, 15 December, 3-6pm. With Sara Manente, Jeroen Peeters, Anna Rispoli and Michiel Vandevelde.
- Salon #10 (2013): Salon Enchanting Scores @ Kaaistudio’s, Brussels on November 18, 2013. With philosopher Isabelle Stengers, anthropologist Arnaud Halloy and Julien Bruneau, who set up a conversation on trance and relational practices between magic, science and the arts. Afterwards the audience was invited to work with these ideas and perspectives in a scored collective thinking process.