

Results 1-20 of 202, page 1 of 11

Author Title Publication Year
Eva-Elisabeth Fischer Criticism Sarma 2006
Diana Theodores On critics and criticism of dance New directions in dance 1979
Franz Anton Cramer Dance Criticism: Negotiating Knowledge, Taste, and Power Sarma 2003
Jeroen Peeters Brainstorming… (Eng.) Tanz made in Berlin 2004
Diana Theodores Rehabilitating Dance Criticism Dance Theatre Journal 2002
Franz Anton Cramer Dance criticism in Berlin Sarma 2004
Constanze Klementz Personal Basics (English) Sarma 2006
André Lepecki Rethinking Words Contact Quarterly 1994
Pirkko Husemann Dance criticism in Berlin Sarma 2004
Jeroen Peeters Performing the instantaneous, displacing criticism Sarma 2002
Alexander Baervoets, Natasha Hassiotis Unfolding the critical: Conversation between Natasha Hassiotis and Alexander Baervoets Sarma 2003
Fransien van der Putt Dance criticism on the move! 2003
Jeroen Peeters The impossible pas de deux of looking and writing Sarma 2002
Tang Fu Kuen, Arco Renz Unfolding the Critical: Conversation between Tang Fu Kuen and Arco Renz Sarma 2003
Hooman Sharifi, Marit Strømmen Unfolding the critical: conversation between Marit Strommen and Hooman Sharifi Sarma 2003
Deborah Jowitt Poetics Deborah Jowitt Sarma 2003
Diana Theodores Poetics Diana Theodores Sarma 2002
Diana Theodores Formalist then feminine: the New York School Dance Theatre Journal 1995
Irit Rogoff On the mode of the critical Sarma 2006
Eva-Elisabeth Fischer, Constanze Klementz, Martin Nachbar, Johannes Odenthal Unfolding the critical: round robin, dialogue Sarma 2006

Results 1-20 of 202, page 1 of 11