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Results 1-14 of 14, page 1 of 1

Author Title Publication Year
Marianne Van Kerkhoven The ongoing moment (Eng.) Sarma 2009
Rudi Laermans Looking at / Writing about Dance Etcetera 2014
Jeroen Peeters Dialogues on Blindness I. Dance Theatre Journal 2005
Lisa Kraus, Daniel Lepkoff, Lisa Nelson Improvisation and the sense of imagination Contact Quarterly 1992
Jeroen Peeters Sandro Botticelli’s contrappasso Highway 101 - The Journal 2000
Jeroen Peeters Too much ground for transient figures? The Memory of the Look 2000
Jeroen Peeters The impossible pas de deux of looking and writing Sarma 2002
Jeroen Peeters Dermographies 2002
Jeroen Peeters There’s no way of escaping being looked at by others Programme note 2002
Jeroen Peeters There is nothing to see Maska 2003
Jeroen Peeters Negotiating and hesitating in space 2015
Jeroen Peeters In search of material literacy 2016
Philipp Gehmacher On Through the Back: Situating Vision between Moving Bodies by Jeroen Peeters Sarma 2014
Franz Anton Cramer Dance-seeing as a way of thinking 2015

Results 1-14 of 14, page 1 of 1