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Results 1-5 of 5, page 1 of 1

Author Title Publication Year
Luk Van den Dries, Jan Fabre The duos: conversation between Jan Fabre and Luk Van den Dries Sarma 2004
Bojana Cvejic, Benoît Lachambre, Meg Stuart The duos: conversation between Bojana Cvéjic, Meg Stuart and Benoît Lachambre Sarma 2004
Gerald Siegmund Raimund Hoghe and the Art of Ritual Substitution 2004
Jeroen Peeters Eloquently speechless 3T. Tidsskrift for teori og teater 2004
André Lepecki Moving Without the Colonial Mirror: Modernity, Dance, and Nation in the Works of Vera Mantero and Francisco Camacho (1985-97) - Chapter 1 Sarma 2004

Results 1-5 of 5, page 1 of 1