Search results
Results 1-9 of 9, page 1 of 1
Author | Title | Publication | Year |
Diana Theodores | Formalist then feminine: the New York School | Dance Theatre Journal | 1995 |
Alexander Baervoets, Natasha Hassiotis | Unfolding the critical: Conversation between Natasha Hassiotis and Alexander Baervoets | Sarma | 2003 |
André Lepecki | Encontros Acarte '92: One and the others (Part Three) | BLITZ | 1992 |
Jeroen Peeters | Away with the masterpieces | De Morgen | 2004 |
Bojana Cvejic | How open are you open? Pre-sentiments, pre-conceptions, pro-jections. | Sarma | 2004 |
Diana Theodores | Towards a method in dance criticism | Dance spectrum: Critical, Philosophical Enquiry | 1982 |
Diana Theodores | Report - Dance Critic in Ireland | Dance Chronicle | 1996 |
Lars Kwakkenbos | The hurdles of broad thinking | Sarma | 2014 |
Jeroen Peeters | Sarma: het archief als discursieve werkplaats | De Witte Raaf | 2011 |
Results 1-9 of 9, page 1 of 1