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Results 1-8 of 8, page 1 of 1

Author Title Publication Year
Vera Mantero Perhaps she could dance first and think afterwards Programme note 1991
André Lepecki Springdance Festival: Dances in May BLITZ 1993
André Lepecki Klapstuk '91: End of the party BLITZ 1991
André Lepecki Moving Without the Colonial Mirror: Modernity, Dance, and Nation in the Works of Vera Mantero and Francisco Camacho (1985-97) - Chapter 6 Sarma 2004
Jeroen Peeters Eloquently speechless 3T. Tidsskrift for teori og teater 2004
Jeroen Peeters Perhaps he could write first and think afterwards?, 2002
André Lepecki Vera Mantero: Empty handed Vera BLITZ 1992
André Lepecki The body in difference Fama 2000

Results 1-8 of 8, page 1 of 1