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Results 1-10 of 10, page 1 of 1

Author Title Publication Year
Martin Hargreaves Queer Expression, Context and Performativity: Not Talking and Saying Too Much Sarma 2002
Jeroen Peeters Places of allowance: untwining mind and body in writing, gestures and speech Sarma 2002
Martin Hargreaves Observations and visible definitions Sarma 2002
Alice Chauchat, Ugo Dehaes, Thomas Plischke Study Sarma 2002
Gerald Siegmund Some personal reflections on my criticism which I am reluctant to call my 'Poetics' Sarma 2002
Stefanie Wenner Horizon as a machine to produce visibility Sarma 2002
Jeroen Peeters Performing the instantaneous, displacing criticism Sarma 2002
Herman Asselberghs, Dieter Lesage Homo Politicus. Pim Fortuyn: A Case Study Sarma 2002
Gerald Siegmund Haunting voices and ladies who vanish Sarma 2002
Katleen Van Langendonck En ĂȘtre et ne pas ĂȘtre Sarma 2002

Results 1-10 of 10, page 1 of 1