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Results 1-8 of 8, page 1 of 1

Author Title Publication Year
Bojana Kunst The Economy of Proximity Performance Research 2009
Jeroen Peeters Heterogeneous Dramaturgies Maska 2010
Jeroen Peeters Heterogeneous dramaturgies Choreography: autonomies 2019
Peter Stamer Ten Altered Notes on Dramaturgy Maska 2010
Diana Theodores Choreographing the question: a dramaturg and choreographer in dialogue Dance Theatre: an International Investigation 1999
Jeroen Peeters Blind Machinations and Grotesque Counter-Movements Blind Machinations and Grotesque Counter-Movements 2006
Una Bauer Networked Publics and Dramaturgy Maska 2010
Bojana Cvejic The Ignorant Dramaturg Maska 2010

Results 1-8 of 8, page 1 of 1