Search results
Results 1-4 of 4, page 1 of 1
Author | Title | Publication | Year |
Scott deLahunta | Dance Dramaturgy: speculations and reflections | Dance Theatre Journal | 2000 |
André Lepecki | Moving Without the Colonial Mirror: Modernity, Dance, and Nation in the Works of Vera Mantero and Francisco Camacho (1985-97) - Chapter 1 | Sarma | 2004 |
Diana Theodores | Choreographing the question: a dramaturg and choreographer in dialogue | Dance Theatre: an International Investigation | 1999 |
Jeroen Peeters | Blind Machinations and Grotesque Counter-Movements | Blind Machinations and Grotesque Counter-Movements | 2006 |
Results 1-4 of 4, page 1 of 1