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Results 1-7 of 7, page 1 of 1

Author Title Publication Year
Alexander Baervoets Sein und Schein (True or False) Sarma 1999
Alexander Baervoets Some reflections on time Sarma 1999
Alexander Baervoets, Natasha Hassiotis Unfolding the critical: Conversation between Natasha Hassiotis and Alexander Baervoets Sarma 2003
Alexander Baervoets The future of dance and its aesthetics: truth, beauty and goodness? Sarma 2002
Philipp Gehmacher On Through the Back: Situating Vision between Moving Bodies by Jeroen Peeters Sarma 2014
Lars Kwakkenbos The hurdles of broad thinking Sarma 2014
Bojana Cvejic Amperdans: Symptons, strands and potentialities of small-scale work Sarma 2004

Results 1-7 of 7, page 1 of 1