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Results 21-40 of 137, page 2 of 7

Author Title Publication Year
Arco Renz Mirth: A story of Abstraction Sarma 2002
André Lepecki Why Theater? Ballettanz 1996
Jeroen Peeters Living together on stage Herbst. Theorie zur Praxis 2007
Marianne Van Kerkhoven The theatre is in the city and the city is in the world and its walls are of skin Etcetera 1994
Jeroen Peeters Do your encyclopaedia yourself, 2002
Jeroen Peeters Formulations in the unfamiliar Corpus 2011
Diana Theodores Choreographing the question: a dramaturg and choreographer in dialogue Dance Theatre: an International Investigation 1999
Jeroen Peeters Animal Dramaturgies Sarma 2013
Tang Fu Kuen, Arco Renz Unfolding the Critical: Conversation between Tang Fu Kuen and Arco Renz Sarma 2003
Jeroen Peeters Living together on stage (once more) Tanzheft 2009
Luk Van den Dries, Jan Fabre The duos: conversation between Jan Fabre and Luk Van den Dries Sarma 2004
Jeroen Peeters Running backward in advance of oneself Corpus 2008
Bojana Cvejic, Benoît Lachambre, Meg Stuart The duos: conversation between Bojana Cvéjic, Meg Stuart and Benoît Lachambre Sarma 2004
Pirkko Husemann When the dramaturg becomes obsolete, the dramaturgical remains important Performance Research 2009
Marianne Van Kerkhoven Focus Raimund Hoghe (Eng.) Kaaitheater bulletin 2002
Jeroen Peeters Reverse ghost busting – prick up your ears! Corpus 2007
Marianne Van Kerkhoven Kijken zonder potlood in de hand Theaterschrift 1994
Jeroen Peeters The operational theatre, 2002
Jeroen Peeters A tragedy of invisibility, 2002
Jeroen Peeters Where is the work of art at work? Superamas. BIG 3 episodes (art / discourse) 2010

Results 21-40 of 137, page 2 of 7