Conversations with choreographers


Results 1-20 of 24, page 1 of 2

Author Title Publication Year
Scott deLahunta Dance Dramaturgy: speculations and reflections Dance Theatre Journal 2000
André Lepecki Springdance conversations: André Lepecki in conversation with Bruno Beltrão, Hooman Sharifi and Rosemary Lee Sarma 2005
Boris Charmatz, Julia Cima, Jan Ritsema Springdance conversations: Boris Charmatz, Julia Cima and Jan Ritsema about Dances for those who asked nothing Sarma 2005
Diana Theodores Rehabilitating Dance Criticism Dance Theatre Journal 2002
Jeroen Peeters The Sequel Corpus 2007
Jonathan Burrows Interview with Meg Stuart Conversations with choreographers 1998
André Lepecki Poetics André Lepecki Sarma 2004
Interview with Meg Stuart for Conversations With Choreographer's 1998
Jeroen Peeters How Do You Want to Work Today? Knowledge in motion 2007
André Lepecki Moving Without the Colonial Mirror: Modernity, Dance, and Nation in the Works of Vera Mantero and Francisco Camacho (1985-97) - Chapter 1 Sarma 2004
Rudi Laermans, Carine Meulders The body is the re/de-presentation Ungerufen / Uncalled 2009
Pieter T'Jonck Rosas In The Nineties: The Gesamtwerk as Image of the Body Ballett International Tanz Aktuell 1997
Deborah Jowitt Poetics Deborah Jowitt Sarma 2003
Diana Theodores Choreographing the question: a dramaturg and choreographer in dialogue Dance Theatre: an International Investigation 1999
Jeroen Peeters Take a walk on the wild side, and talk Corpus 2008
Jeroen Peeters Brainstorming… (Eng.) Tanz made in Berlin 2004
Sabina Holzer 'Dance is still kind of revolutionary!' Corpus 2008
Jeroen Peeters Dialogues on blindness IV. Dance Theatre Journal 2006
Jeroen Peeters Blind Machinations and Grotesque Counter-Movements Blind Machinations and Grotesque Counter-Movements 2006
Lars Kwakkenbos The hurdles of broad thinking Sarma 2014

Results 1-20 of 24, page 1 of 2