

Results 21-31 of 31, page 2 of 2

Author Title Publication Year
Bojana Kunst The Economy of Proximity Performance Research 2009
Rudi Laermans In Media Res A-Prior 2001
Jeroen Peeters Containers als choreografisch medium Etcetera 2003
Katleen Van Langendonck En être et ne pas être Sarma 2002
Pieter T'Jonck De inwisselbaarheid van dans en beeldende kunst na Duchamp Tussen beeld en beweging 2002
Rudi Laermans In Media Res A-Prior 2001
Aat Hougée, Lisa Nelson, Steve Paxton, Nancy Topf Whose Dance Are You Doing Talk / SNDO 1982-2006: dancers talking about dance 2009
Jonathan Lahey Dronsfield, Stefan Iancu The Artist-Philosopher and the Pathology of Enthusiasm Revista Arta, Samizdat 2015
Christel Stalpaert Donnez-moi donc un corps Sarma 2002
Jeroen Peeters Where is the work of art at work? Superamas. BIG 3 episodes (art / discourse) 2010
André Lepecki Moving Without the Colonial Mirror: Modernity, Dance, and Nation in the Worksof Vera Mantero and Francisco Camacho (1985-97) - Chapter 2 Sarma 2004

Results 21-31 of 31, page 2 of 2