Not Just a Mirror


Results 1-20 of 53, page 1 of 3

Author Title Publication Year
Gerald Siegmund The mirror and the empty stage Shadow Bodies 2006
Jeroen Peeters Reverse ghost busting – prick up your ears! Corpus 2007
Deborah Jowitt Button up your human-suit The Village Voice 1974
Deborah Jowitt Hanging Up Over the Fair The Village Voice 1974
André Lepecki Encontros Acarte ’90: Showdown (Part Two) BLITZ 1990
Christel Stalpaert Donnez-moi donc un corps Sarma 2002
André Lepecki Wake up call Etcetera 2000
Tom Engels Between Solitaire and a Basketball Game. Dramaturgical Strategies in the Work of Antonia Baehr Bastard or Playmate? 2012
Jeroen Peeters Incidents and Incitements Not Just a Mirror 2015
Jeroen Peeters Restless Portraits Dance Theatre Journal 2008
Jeroen Peeters Everything makes sense Corpus 2010
André Lepecki Undoing the fantasy of the (dancing) subject. The Salt of the Earth 2001
Lisa Nelson Before Your Eyes Contact Quarterly, Nouvelles De Danse 2004
Sabina Holzer Dreaming the body Corpus 2010
André Lepecki Moving Without the Colonial Mirror: Modernity, Dance, and Nation in the Works of Vera Mantero and Francisco Camacho (1985-97) - Chapter 3 Sarma 2004
Natasha Hassiotis Pageantry and illusions for my audience Avgi newspaper 1998
Sabina Holzer What is language that knows? What is language that cares? Corpus 2008
Lisa Nelson, Tony Vacca, Tim Wolf The theatre, the music, the dance Contact Quarterly 1985
Christina Svane On Lisa Dancing Contact Quarterly 1987
André Lepecki Caught in the Timetrap Ballettanz 1999

Results 1-20 of 53, page 1 of 3