Anthology André Lepecki - Essays


On the occasion of Connexive #1: Vera Mantero, a first anthology of texts was made available in Sarma's database. This contains essays on Vera Mantero's work, including four unpublished chapters of Lepecki's PhD that provide information about the artistic, cultural and political context in which her work came to emergence. A taste of Lepecki's dramaturgical ideas is given by excerpts of the notes he wrote during his collaborations with Meg Stuart and Damaged Goods.

In 2007 Sarma made another anthology on the Portuguese years of André Lepecki, with his critical writings for the Portuguese weekly Blitz in the early nineties. These texts were originally written in Portuguese but translated in English for Sarma.

Results 1-20 of 41, page 1 of 3

Author Title Publication Year
André Lepecki The dancing Book Ballettanz 1999
André Lepecki Writing in motion Etcetera 1996
André Lepecki Wakker worden! Jérôme Bel en het geheugenverlies van de dans Etcetera 2000
André Lepecki Schrijven in beweging Etcetera 1996
André Lepecki Wake up call Etcetera 2000
André Lepecki "If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution." Ballettanz 1995
André Lepecki Appetite Programme note 1998
André Lepecki Arts on the edge of moving Programme note 1995
André Lepecki Caught in the Timetrap Ballettanz 1999
André Lepecki Crystallisation Dance Theatre Journal 1999
André Lepecki Dance of Differences Ballettanz 1998
André Lepecki Dance without distance Ballettanz 2001
André Lepecki Dancing without a Mirror Ballettanz 1998
André Lepecki Exhausting dance Sarma 2005
André Lepecki How (Not) to perform the Political Ballettanz 1995
André Lepecki How modern is modernism? Ballettanz 1996
André Lepecki How radical is contemporary dance? Ballettanz 1995
André Lepecki Menial Tasks Ballettanz 2001
André Lepecki Moving Without the Colonial Mirror: Modernity, Dance, and Nation in the Works of Vera Mantero and Francisco Camacho (1985-97) - Chapter 1 Sarma 2004
André Lepecki Moving Without the Colonial Mirror: Modernity, Dance, and Nation in the Works of Vera Mantero and Francisco Camacho (1985-97) - Chapter 3 Sarma 2004

Results 1-20 of 41, page 1 of 3