A Journal of Performance and Art
Results 1-20 of 40, page 1 of 2 ⟶
Author | Title | Publication | Year |
Diana Theodores | Rehabilitating Dance Criticism | Dance Theatre Journal | 2002 |
Janez Jansa | From Dramaturgy to Dramaturgical | Maska | 2010 |
Eleanor Bauer | Method Monster | The Making Of The Making Of | 2006 |
Scott deLahunta | Dance Dramaturgy: speculations and reflections | Dance Theatre Journal | 2000 |
Tang Fu Kuen | Poetics Tang Fu Kuen | Sarma | 2003 |
André Lepecki | Rethinking Words | Contact Quarterly | 1994 |
Emily Carson Coates | Dance between performance and image | A Journal of Performance and Art | 2014 |
Jeroen Peeters | The empire of spectators | Dance Theatre Journal | 2009 |
Jeroen Peeters | Strategies of adaptation | A-Prior | 2001 |
Diana Theodores | On critics and criticism of dance | New directions in dance | 1979 |
Jeroen Peeters | An absurd hygienic operation | Sarma | 2016 |
André Lepecki | Crystallisation | Dance Theatre Journal | 1999 |
Trajal Harrell | Interview with Meg Stuart | Movement Research Performance Journal | 2008 |
Jeroen Peeters | Where is the work of art at work? | Superamas. BIG 3 episodes (art / discourse) | 2010 |
Jonathan Lahey Dronsfield | Where Narrative Stops | Wilkinson Gallery | 2013 |
Erik Bryngelsson | Walking and talking, more or less | Sarma | 2014 |
Diana Theodores | Formalist then feminine: the New York School | Dance Theatre Journal | 1995 |
Jeroen Peeters | Take a walk on the wild side, and talk | Corpus | 2008 |
Jeroen Peeters | I am not a zombie | Sarma | 2014 |
Jeroen Peeters | Dialogues on blindness II. | Dance Theatre Journal | 2005 |
Results 1-20 of 40, page 1 of 2 ⟶