
Afterwords: Mia Lawrence, Under the light, observing…

DerStandard.at / ImPulsTanz.com 22 Jul 2002English

item doc

Contextual note
This text is part of the project Afterwords, curated by Jeroen Peeters for the festival ImPulsTanz Vienna in summer 2002. Every night, three critics in residence shared their impressions and thoughts on the performances immediately after having seen them, in an act of instantaneous writing. During the process of writing, these comments were projected in the theatre lobby and later that night made available on the websites http://www.impulstanz.com and http://derstandard.at.
A selection of the texts by Jeroen Peeters is available on Sarma, in a slightly edited version, sometimes with a postscript. Two essays elucidate the project Afterwords and reflect on its poetical and political implications. To retrieve the material, search under: ‘Afterwords’.


Breathing, speaking, repeating a dance phrase, behaviour, emotion. Event.

A blinking eye, cutting up a perceptual stream with moments of invisibility, with blanks. Perception/visual rhythm


Digitalisation of this rhythm visibility/blank.
Digitalisation of the event’s rhythm.
