Afterwords: Milli Bitterli & Artificial Horizon, und er ein anderer aus untereinander
A selection of the texts by Jeroen Peeters is available on Sarma, in a slightly edited version, sometimes with a postscript. Two essays elucidate the project Afterwords and reflect on its poetical and political implications. To retrieve the material, search under: ‘Afterwords’.
Veronika! To refer to Christian literature and iconography: Veronika is the woman who wiped Christ's face with a handkerchief, making appear his portrait on it in sweat and blood: vera ikon, the real image. The surface to be touched here: a concrete floor. Two women dancing, running, falling, as if they want to injure their bodies. Dancing, running and falling after the phantasm of a sacrificial mutilation, of a bleeding body to be stencilled on stage, seeking for the very icon.
Postscript November 2002: The performance is a duet between dancers Milli Bitterli and Veronika Zott, whose name triggered the idea of this Afterwords text – although there is a clear link between its content and the performance as well.