هنموت كلنا- اسماعيل فايد / We Are All Going to Die?

Medina Portal Aug 2020Arabic
The text is an adaptation of Ismail Fayed's script of the lecture-performance ‘On Va Tous Mourir’, commissioned by HaRaKa Platform, for the performative conference ‘Terranova’, that took place at the American University in Cairo, December 2019, in partnership with the Institut Francais in Cairo.

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Contextual note
This text is part of the bilingual (English/Arabic) collection and publication series 'Cairography', which was initiated by HaRaKa (Egypt) and supported by Sarma (Belgium). It features in Cairography #2, also referred to as the 'Emergency Edition' (January 2021), edited by Adham Hafez, Ismail Fayed, and Myriam Van Imschoot and supported by Moussem Nomadic Arts Center in response to a year of losses, between a deadly pandemic and a series of political catastrophes. This text is also available on Sarma in English

The Arabic text is available as pdf